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What Does “Delisting” Mean?

Deepak was interviewed on CNBC about how investors can look at delistings. Key questions discussed: Is delisting a bad thing? How does the process ...

Vedanta Delisting – Is there an opportunity?

Vedanta Limited recently announced it has received intent from its promoter to delist the company. Put simply, the majority owner of the company has made an ...

Banks Take a Hit, Shareholders Take a Bigger Hit: Electrosteel Steels Edition

In the first big public stock bankruptcy resolution, Electrosteel Steels has been declared bankrupt and has now been sold. Vedanta will now become the new ...

2016 in Review: The Top 10 Large Cap Performers!

As part of our year-end piece, we look at the Top 10 Large-cap performers for 2016 (ending 23-Dec). You can catch our earlier series here: 2015 in Review: ...

Premium: Vedanta and Cairn Have Lousy Results, Future Hinges On The Merger

Vedanta results have been awful. That’s pretty much the adjective of most results nowadays but here’s the ...

Vedanta to Merge With Cairn, Gets Hands on Cash, Takes Retro-Tax Risk

Cairn and Vedanta will merge soon, says a Vedanta Board Meeting note, where Cairn shareholders will get: One share of Vedanta for a share of Cairn A preference ...