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4 ArticlesMoneyoga

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Interviewed: Moneyoga's change of plans

Kamla Bhatt has interviewed me on our recent change in plans – to move to the new algorithmic trading concept. The point is not to predict; it’s to ...

Internet Usage Statistics Gone Wild

So the latest report in the list of the evergreen Indian Internet statistics is out: The average Indian Internet user visited the Internet 25 times during the ...

Interviewed by Kamla Bhatt

A quick note to tell you I’ve been interviewed by Kamla Bhatt about Moneyoga. Here’s a link to the interview: Deepak Shenoy: Entrepreneurship Is ...

Moneyoga Release 2: A New Set of Screeners For You

We’ve now added more features to The list of new features are: Moneyoga Market Metrics Stock Screens: Top Gainers & Losers New Highs ...