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143 ArticlesMacronomics

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Ok, Tell them your NPAs, says the Court. Will all hell break loose now?

How does the Supreme Court Order suddenly introduce Rs. 130,000 cr. more bad loans into the system? What's with the interest-on-interest waiver? And why is the ...

Macronomics: Bond Auction Failures Make Yields Go Up Big Time

The 2021 budget has complicated things for the bond market. And there's been: Huge borrowing programme for Feb and March Failed bond auctions Big rise in ...

Macronomics: Why Those Interest Rates Aren’t Going Up

We present to you a list of charts that show how the economy is doing right now. From bank credit to housing loans to how inflation is looking. What it ...

How Badly Has Indian Consumption Fallen? A Few Charts Show The Picture

You’re going to find this ugly. It’s now about 6 months since the first lockdown, and in that “semi” anniversary we see what the Covid ...

Is Inflation Going To Break the Debt and Gilt Fund Breakaway Run?

Debt funds have had a wonderful run last year, especially Gilt funds. The best gilt fund did over 14% in the last year. Is that going to change? The ...

Macronomics: How Bad is the Inflation Really?

The recently inflation number for Jan 2019 came in super heavy at 7.59%, the highest since 2014, and a relatively high number now. But there’s a strange ...

Macronomics: Are Interest Rates Really Falling? Why?

Deepak Shenoy explains why interest rates are falling in India and what it portends for the ...

Macronomics: High Capacity Utilization = A New Capex Cycle?

In Macronomics today, we will check something that came from the RBI recently – a Capacity Utilization Survey. This indicates how much of available ...

Macronomics: The RBI Swap Explained: Of Liquidity and a Much Cheaper Dollar Hedge

Here’s a quick explanation of the RBI Swap that has recently been announced. First, the background. Things have been a little crazy on the credit growth ...

Macronomics: Credit Data Shows A Potential Industrial Revival and Green Shoots on Growth

It’s been a while since we’ve looked at the macro. What bank credit data is showing is very interesting, and possibly a distance away from whatever we are ...