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7 ArticlesGDP

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The Sep 2017 GDP in Charts: 6.3% Growth But With a Falling Twelve Month Pattern

The GDP release for the September quarter has been interesting. It shows a 6.3% growth, which, by itself, would be a good thing. But you have to consider a few ...

The GDP In Charts: Lowest Growth In Four Years as Economy Decelerates

We seem to have a problem. The GDP data that we’ve got is bad, with growth going to a low 5.7%. This is the lowest GDP growth number since March 2013, ...

The Government Helps Push GDP, But It Slows To 6.1%

India’s GDP grew 6.1% on an inflation adjusted basis in Q4. This is the lowest number since March 2014. What Slowed Down? From a sector perspective, ...

Big 7.9% GDP Growth in Q4 on Manufacturing Revival

How would you measure GDP Growth? By comparing it to last year. And when you get a GDP growth figure like 7.9% you always get up and say, wow! This is the ...

Dec 2011 GDP Growth At 6.09%, Lowest in 3 Years

GDP Growth for the 3rd Quarter ending December 2011 is at 6.09% over the previous year. This is the lowest since March ...

GDP for 2010-11 at 8.5%, Q4 at 7.8%

The latest GDP estimate from MOSPI came in. Nominal growth – what actually happened: 20.2% Real growth (nominal minus inflation, rolled up): 8.8% There ...

GDP up 6.7% but Nifty EPS down 9%

According to Bloomberg, India’s economy grew “more than estimated” at 5.8 percent last quarter, to take the annual growth in the last four ...