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4 ArticlesForexReserves

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RBI Buys a Record $96 Billion in 2014-15, as Forex Reserves Cross $350 Billion

2014-15 was the biggest Year for RBI Dollar purchases, ever. With over $10 billion purchased in March ($7.6 billion in cash, $2.5 billion in forward ...

RBI Unwinds Forex Exposure As Reserves Hit Record High on RBI Dollar Buying

India’s forex reserves hit a new high at $333 billion for the week ended 13 Feb 2015. This is the highest ever in terms of forex reserves that ...

Forex Reserves at the Highest Ever, but RBI Controls Balance Sheet to Restrict Inflation

The RBI’s back to buying dollars by the truckload. Forex reserves have been going up substantially. The RBI has over $322 bn of cash reserves, and then ...

RBI Trades the Dollar: Buys More in Sep, and Likely Even More in October – Will this cause Inflation?

RBI returns to buying dollars as they reveal in their November bulletin, with a purchase of $1.4 billion in September. This time, they added about $3 billion ...