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6 ArticlesETFs

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Is the Nippon CPSE Bond Plus SDL ETF 2024 Worth It?

There's a New Fund Offer (NFO) of a Bond ETF in town. And it's going to do the "safe" thing. The Nippon India CPSE Bond Plus SDL Sep 2024 ETF will: invest ...

ICICIDirect’s ETF Intelligent Portfolio – A Product For Passive Investors

ICICIDirect has introduced a new product. It’s called the ETF Intelligent Portfolio (EIP). We took an in-depth look to see if you should consider it. ...

Podcast #21: The amazing rise of passive and what you need to do about it

  “When you talk about bubbles, right from the Tulip mania (1637) to the housing bubble (2006-07), all of these bubbles were fueled by greed. But ...

Podcast #17: What to make of the Bharat Bond ETF

  On today’s show, Deepak Shenoy (CEO) and Aditya Jaiswal (Analyst) discuss the Bharat Bond ETF in detail. Q) Will it provide the much needed ...

At Yahoo: ETFs and Skewed Indexes

I write at Yahoo on ETFs and Skewed Indexes. The concept of an Exchange Traded Fund (ETF) is that you buy a mutual fund like a stock on an exchange. This is ...

Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs)

You are perhaps familiar with mutual funds and the fact that you can purchase and sell units of the mutual fund through any distributor. When you do so, you ...