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22 ArticlesCapitalmind LongTerm MultiCap Portfolio

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A Chemical Company delivers stellar returns: Is there steam left?

The nifty mid and small cap index have doubled since its lows in March. Some companies in this space have done exceedingly well and have beaten the indices by ...

How Capitalmind Portfolios did in 2020

Capitalmind subscribers get access to five core portfolios (three equity, one debt, and one index+Futures strategy). Each one is designed for distinct ...

CM Multicap Portfolio: 12 out of 15 stocks deliver strong earnings growth in Q2 – The Report Card

A round up of Q2 Earnings reports of Capitalmind LongTerm Multicap Portfolio ...

Garware Technical Fibres: A Good Catch

Most of us at a certain point either directly or indirectly have come across the products manufactured by this mid-cap company – Garware Technical Fibres ...

Premium: Culling the Multicap Portfolio Means a Few Exits

The Multicap portfolio has been on hold for a while, as we analyzed the look of future events. We will do a few things: Pare down the list to just 15 stocks We ...

The one reason why you should probably not subscribe to Capitalmind

What we learnt from a survey of Capitalmind Premium subscribers. The improvements (some of them radical) that we are working on to be rolled out over the next ...

Manappuram: All that glitters

NBFC was already a four-letter word coming into 2020, courtesy DHFL. Then the pandemic brought all economic activity to a screeching halt. Not a great time to ...

Q4FY20 Earnings Report: APL Apollo

In this post we look at the results of a pipe company in our portfolio. The company is moving towards lightning its balance sheet and has made moves in the ...

Q4FY20 Earnings Report: Alkyl Amines

This company in our portfolio is from the chemical industry. It is run by technocrats and has a well diversified portfolio. It has 100+ product portfolio and ...

Q4FY20 Earnings Report: Balkrishna Industries

The global OHT market is estimated to be $12 Billion. This company in our portfolio has a global market share of 8% in agricultural tyres and 2-3% in the OTR ...