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7 ArticlesBook Review

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Book Review: The Myth of Capitalism: Monopolies and the Death of Competition

One of the many things that isn’t in short supply is the number of book titles that are published year on year. Every major blog and author has a list of ...

Book Review: China’s Great Wall of Debt | “Local-government debt is our subprime”

When IL&FS tumbled and the NBFC crisis reared its head, a word that was constantly used was “Shadow Banking”. Shadow Banking is basically financing by ...

Book Review: Investing Against the Tide: Lessons From a Life Running Money

Mention the word Fidelity and the only fund manager whose name you maybe able to recall would be Peter Lynch. But Fidelity is a fund house that is much larger ...

Book Review: The Acquirer’s Multiple: How the Billionaire Contrarians of Deep Value Beat the Market

Books on Value Investing are one too many to count. Top of the mind recalls are Benjamin Graham’s Intelligent Investor Seth Klarman’s Margin of Safety to ...

Book Review: Dead Companies Walking: How a Hedge Fund Manager finds Opportunity in Unexpected Places

One of the enduring things about America is that they don’t overly critique failures. Companies that try and fail are better off than companies that ...

Book Review: The Spider Network – The Wild Story of a Maths Genius and One of the Greatest Scams in Financial History

At Capitalmind, we love reading books. As part of a new Initiative, we shall come out with short briefs on books we have read. Honest reviews just like you ...

Short Review: Ravi Subramanian’s “If God was a Banker”

I just read “If God was a Banker” by Ravi Subramanian. It’s an easy-read kind of story of a bank, called “New York International ...