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Month: June 2014

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SEBI Plugs Loophole for Unnecessarily High IPO Dilution

In SEBI’s latest board meeting, SEBI has diluted the IPO rules for listing, as we had mentioned in our earlier post (SEBI For IPO Reform, Might Remove ...

The RBI Weekly Statistical Supplement: The What

For an RBI tracker like me, the central bank comes out with some fantastic stuff once in a while. Now they have released a detailed explanation of the Weekly ...

High Court: SBI Life To Blame for Converting Rs. 50,000 to Rs. 248

In a judgement by judges Sunil Ambwani and D.K. Upadhyaya of the Allahabad High Court, SBI Life Insurance has been reprimanded for ruining the savings of an ...

LearnTA: BackTesting a Systematic Trading Strategy

Let’s build a system. Where we have well defined rules for entry, exit and position size and we check the performance of that strategy historically. Many of ...

Rajan on FSLRC: Further Oversight is Overreach, and Back Off a Little, Please

RBI’s Rajan talks about the Financial Sector Legislative Reforms Committee (FSLRC) and specifically, how it works with: Judicial oversight of regulators ...

4% Up and Down Days on the Nifty – We Just Saw The Quietest 5 Years on Record

On the last post about 4% down days, A great point from @VetriSmv who says “You should re-do this incorporating 4% days (up&down days)”. At your ...

Surprise: WPI Inflation for May 2014 at 6%, Contradicting the Consumer Price Change

Wholesale Price Inflation for May 2014 came in at 6.01%, up from the 5.20% in April. This is a strange change from Consumer Price Inflation (which actually ...

Lack of -4% Moves Makes For Calmest Nifty in 5 Years

How volatile markets were and how little they are today is visible on a graph of large moves. How many times has Nifty fallen 4% in a single day? 66 times. How ...

Weekend Charts: 300 Days of UpTrend, Inflation Insights, Bank Weakness, CAPM20…

A few end of the week charts we think you’ll like: Nearly 300 days Since 10% Decline, Second Longest Uptrend in 8 Years Gotta be very careful. Even the ...

China Produces More Cement Than…The Rest of the World, Added Up.

China’s the kind of giant that will overwhelm all statisticians. They have produced more steel than the next 10 countries in the world, added up. (Yes, ...