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Month: April 2013

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The Total Return Index: Nifty Including Dividends

When you hear comparisons of the Nifty with another investment, a mutual fund, or an insurance policy or such, you tend to look at their “outperformance” ...

Three Rookie Investing Tips For Making Truckloads of Money

When you read that headline, you’re thinking – Damn, Even Deepak’s into headline bait. Maybe I am. Maybe I’m not. But bear with me, this gets better. I ...

Five Myths of Being A Financially “Lean” Startup

I was a mentor at a “Lean Startup Machine” conference recently, where people got together, formed teams and do a first layer of customer validation (“Get ...

Suckered: Saradha Goes Bust and Frauds Depositors

One more sad story that emerged last week was a chit fund that went bust: The Saradha Group. Taking money from depositors all over the eastern states of Assam ...

30% of All Bank Deposits are in Mumbai and Delhi

Banking Statistics often throw up interesting statistics. Going through the latest "Quarterly Statistics of Credit and Deposits” provided by the RBI ...

How Much do the Crude and Gold Price Crash Help India’s Current Account Deficit?

Indian markets have rallied substantially in the face of falling crude and falling gold. This is on the assumption that India will have a much lower current ...

Chart: Reliance Posts So-So Results in Mar 2013

Reliance posted results for Q4 2013 yesterday and it wasn’t quite that exciting for me. Market reports were that they “beat estimates” but I think I ...

WPI Inflation at a head-turning 5.96%, but unnoticed is Jan Inflation Whopping Revision to 7.3%

Inflation in the Wholesale Price Index (WPI) came in at a headline number of 5.96% for March 2013, which not just raises eyebrows but brings the words Whisky ...

Charts: Gold Crashes, Crude Slows

Gold just fell below $1,500, seemingly on news that Cyprus may sell some of it’s gold to finance it’s bailout. Of course that has very little to do with ...

IIP for Feb 2013 at +0.57%, Nov 2012 Revised Down Again

The Index of Industrial Production (IIP) for Feb 2013 comes in marginally positive, at 0.57% over the previous year. While the Mining Index sank and the ...