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Month: September 2008

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What happens to WaMu CDS?

So Washington Mutual goes belly up. JP Morgan acquires its assets. Meaning, depositors are safe – JPM guarantees them. Loans from WaMu will now be paid ...

SoS Update: 6% up, closed Unitech/JP, shorted Nifty calls

Today was expiry so some updates: Closed Unitech position at 130.3. This results in a virtual net profit (from the first trade) of about 1.2 lakh after ...

Mark-To-Paulson – A game with loaded dice

Jonathan Weil thinks there’s more to this deal – in terms of a mark-to-market scandal. See “Why Mark-to-Paulson Accounting won’t save ...

It’s the Rating Agencies.

Bloomberg has an interesting article on how rating agencies did a considerable amount of damage by not being quite honest with rating, creating the current ...

Buffett gets in; Goldman Sachs is the bet

Warren Buffett is now officially in. The grand old man of value investing has just pumped in $5 billion into Goldman Sachs. Obviously this is viewed on the ...

Rescuing My Golfing Buddies

So how does this work? (Ben Bernanke talking) I believe that under the Treasury program, auctions and other mechanisms could be devised that will give the ...

Doing a Japan?

From an excellent article by Absolute Return Partners (courtesy John Mauldin): Talking about policy makers, back in 1991, when the Japanese property bubble ...

Rescue Plan, for whom?

The rescue plan is out and so are thoughts on it. The plan says, in a way I could glean: We’re going to buy mortgages because no one’s buying them. ...

SOS Update: Up 4% in a week

The Index may literally have stayed unchanged since last week – in fact the futures are trading a little bit higher but the SoS has moved up ...

TARP Costs And Shareholder Interest: Big Big Downside?

So Paulson’s announced the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP): First, to provide critical additional funding to our mortgage markets, the GSEs Fannie ...