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Month: October 2007

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Sintex acquires Nief Plastic for 31 million euros

Sintex Industries has acquired Nief Plastics, a French Plastics manufacturer. This changes things for Sintex substantially, as it gives them a much needed ...

So it’s now 20,000, is it a big deal?

We’re now at 20,000 on the Sensex and nearly 6000 on the Nifty. Who’d have thunk this a couple years ago? Everyone is celebrating – The TV ...

Bartronics: What's cooking?

A recent article by R. Balakrishnan at Money Life caught my attention. It’s about Bartronics, a share I recently traded. Against total sales of around ...

ESOP FBT Clarification

Notification on ESOP FBT : Fair market value of the stock option is the value of hte share on the date of vesting, if the stock is listed on an Indian ...

Trading: Up 40% since Aug 30.

Trading updates: I’m up nearly 40% since I started (versus Index gain of 27%). A lot of changes to the portfolio this week. On cash stocks, I had sold ...

P-Notes: A Non Issue

So the whole P-Note thing has been sorted out. (SEBI Press Release) P-Notes on derivatives are out. Meaning no more participatory notes ISSUED on derivatives. ...

Dow down 366, Oil near $90

The Dow Jones Industrial Average is down 366 points, or 2%, on Friday. This has been attributed to lower earnings, oil prices close to $90 and general ...

Reliance and RPL aren't quite overvalued

I hear a lot nowadays about how Reliance, the biggest loser on the Index, has been overvalued, had doubled for no reason etc. etc. I would like to present my ...

Trading updates: How have I fared?

So here goes two huge days. I did reasonably ok and would like to share some of the trades. As Wednesday opened limit down trading was halted for the day. I ...

The SEBI note and why FIIs are creating a fuss

Firstly, sorry for being silent the last two days. Life’s been hectic. Let’s see a little more into what this whole SEBI rule is about, which has ...